Welcome to SEGAL

Our research interests lie in the areas of collaborative software engineering (SE), global SE and the future of work, requirements engineering, software ecosystems and software education.

Our current research focus is on understanding how to build inclusive technologies, and which meaningfully address the needs of a diverse user base. Software has become integral to our society and requires renewed attention to how it supports diverse users with different needs and patterns of software use; this in turn requires socio-technical approaches that elevate the importance of user feedback and software c0-design activities. We study how advances in requirements engineering, ethics, inclusive design, collaborative SE and machine learning can be leveraged to further our understanding of and the development of inclusive technologies. We are passionate to translate our research insights into approaches for software education. See our latest adventures in the INSPIRE program where students use design thinking approaches in projects for social good.

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Recent Research News


INSPIRE Program, led by Daniela Damian, to empower women and minorities in Science, Technology and Engineering!

Hosted in the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science and the Center for Asia-Pacific Initiatives (CAPI) in collaboration with the... Read More →

REACH Awards (Excellence in teaching awards)

Daniela Damian is a critically reflective educator and leader in software engineering, who has created innovative cross-cultural experiential learning practices... Read More →


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