I was a PhD candidate at the University of Victoria under the supervision of Dr. Daniela Damian. I’ve been a member of the SEGAL lab since January 2012.
Previously, I was a research assistant at Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany, working with Prof. Kurt Schneider in the IT Ecosystem project. I hold a Diploma in Mathematics and Computer Science from Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany.
My research investigates requirements capturing and evolution of contextual requirements. Capturing end-user requirements and relevant context is an important step in developing high quality systems, especially adaptive systems. Contextual requirements have to be captured and evolve as at runtime requirements as well as context might change. This requires techniques that support requirements capture and evolution of contextual requirements.
I’m passionate about interdisciplinary topics that require combining different areas of understanding. For example, during my diploma thesis I was working on applying suffix trees to solve biomedical problems.
My Recent News
Supporting the Adaptation of Contextual Requirements at Runtime
OAR Northwest on NBC
Meeting OAR Northwest
All is not Lost!
Alessia Knauss. On the Usage of Context for Requirements Elicitation: End-User Involvement in IT-Ecosystems. In Proceedings of 20th International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE ’12), pages 345-348, Chicago, USA, 2012. Doctoral Symposium.
Olesia Brill *), and Eric Knauss. Structured and Unobtrusive Observation of Anonymous Users and their Context for Requirements Elicitation. In Proceedings of 19th International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE ’11), Trento, Italy, 2011
Olesia Brill *), Kurt Schneider, and Eric Knauss. Videos vs. Use Cases: Can Videos Capture More Requirements Under Time Pressure?. In Proceedings of the 16th International Working Conference on Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality (REFSQ ’10), volume 6182 of LNCS, pages 30-44, Essen, Germany. Springer, 2010.
*) Note that my maiden name is Brill
Alessia Knauss, Daniela Damian, and Kurt Schneider. Eliciting Contextual Requirements at Design Time:
A Case Study. In Proceedings of International Workshop on Empirical Requirements Engineering (EmpiRE ’14), at RE, Karlskrona, Sweden, 2014.
Alessia Knauss, Arber Borici, Eric Knauss, and Daniela Damian. Towards Understanding Requirements Engineering in IT Ecosystems. In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Empirical Requirements Engineering (EmpiRE ’12), at RE, Chicago, 2012.
Alessia Knauss, Eric Knauss, and Daniela Damian. Towards Supporting End-User Creativity with Social Media and Multimedia. In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Creativity in Requirements Engineering (CreaRE ’12), at REFSQ, Essen, 2012.
Leif Singer, Olesia Brill *), Sebastian Meyer, and Kurt Schneider. Utilizing Rule Deviations in IT Ecosystems for Implicit Requirements Elicitation. In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Managing Requirements Knowledge (MaRK ’09), at RE, Atlanta, 2009.
Eric Knauss, Olesia Brill *), Ingo Kitzmann, and Thomas Flohr. SmartWiki: Support for High-Quality Requirements Engineering in a Collaborative Setting. In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Wikis for Software Engineering (Wikis4SE ’09), at ICSE, Vancouver, 2009.
*) Note that my maiden name is Brill
Alessia Knauss: “Gefällt mir” – Anreicherung von kontextspezischem Endbenutzer-Feedback um die Meinungen, Ideen und Bewertungen Anderer in sozialen Netzwerken. In Softwaretechnik-Trends 32(4), 2012.
Eric Knauss, Marina Koffler, and Olesia Brill *). Analyse von Awareness-Bedarf bei verteiltem Requirements Engineering. In GI Softwaretechnik-Trends, 30(1):21–22, 2010. Beitrag zum Jahrestreffen 2009 der GI-Fachgruppe Requirements Engineering.
Eric Knauss and Olesia Brill *). SmartWiki: erfahrungsbasierte und leichtgewichtige Unterstützung beim Requirements Engineering für innovative Projekte. In GI Softwaretechnik-Trends, 29(1):19–20, 2009. Beitrag zum Jahrestreffen 2008 der GI-Fachgruppe Requirements Engineering.
*) Note that my maiden name is Brill
- Assistant Reviewer, Intl. Conference on Requirements Engineering, 2014
- Assistant Reviewer, Intl. Conference on Software Engineering, NIER, 2014
- Assistant Reviewer, CASCON, 2013
- Assistant Reviewer, Intl. Conference on Software Engineering, NIER, 2013
- Student Volunteer, Intl. Conference on Requirements Engineering 2012
- Assistant Reviewer, Mining Software Repositories 2012