I am now a Software Developer at Ruboss. I was a Masters student at the University of Victoria under the supervision of Dr. Daniela Damian. I’ve been a member of the SEGAL lab since May 2012. Previously, I was an undergraduate student at the University of Victoria and received a BSc in Computer Science with the Software Engineering option.

My research investigates indirect software dependencies and the relationships they imply for software developers. This research also involves notions of socio-technical congruence among software developers who are working on a project either collocated or globally distributed. This topic requires a large breadth of data gathering and data mining techniques as well as being able to develop efficient real-time software for developers. My research interests consist of: indirect dependency awareness, direct dependency awareness, socio-technical congruence, adaptive systems, globally distributed development, and data mining.

Jordan Ell. Identifying Failure Inducing Developer Pairs within Developer Networks In Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE ’13) Student Research Competition (SRC), San Francisco, USA, 2013 (to appear).

The best way to get in touch is through e-mailing me directly, but please feel free to contact me through any of the methods at left. I would be more than happy to answer any of your enquires!

Be sure to follow me on Twitter and check out my LinkedIn profile as well as visiting my blog if you are interested in my research.

A copy of my CV can be found here.

My LinkedIn profile can also be viewed here.


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