I am a Master of Computer Science candidate at the University of Victoria. I hold an undergraduate degree in Computer Science from the University of Victoria. I joined SEGAL Labs as an undergraduate researcher in May 2015 and I started my MSc in September 2015.

My research is heavily coupled with IBM Canada: investigating the use of customer support data to model/predict the behaviour of their customers during ongoing support issues. Using Data Mining and Machine Learning techniques on three different internal IBM data sources combined with contextual knowledge that I have gained working with IBM over the past year, we are developing a model to predict customer-initiated escalations.

Our research has resulted in technology transfer to our IBM collaborator. We are in the process of converting our work into a usable form within IBM’s ecosystem. This process of automating and testing our work in IBM’s live environment will take some time but is an exciting development for the application of our research.

Lloyd Montgomery, and Daniela Damian. What do Support Analysts Know about Their Customers? On the Study and Prediction of Support Ticket Escalations in Large Software Organizations, in Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Requirements Engineering. August 2017, to appear.

Lloyd Montgomery, Emma Reading, and Daniela Damian. ECrits – Visualizing Support Ticket Escalation Risk, in Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Requirements Engineering. August 2017, to appear.

Lloyd Montgomery, Guy Evans, Francis Harrison, and Daniela Damian. Towards a Live Anonymous Question Queue to Address Student Apprehension. The 20th Western Canadian Conference on Computing Education. (WCCCE) May 2015. (print)

Please visit my LinkedIn Profile for the most current information

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LinkedIn – Lloyd Montgomery


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