Patterns of Requirements Clarification

Project Details

  • Project Overview
    In this project we create an approach to analyzing online requirements communication over time. Automatic identification of communication events that focus on clarification allows us to visualize the trajectory of clarification, i.e. the amount of clarification events in relation to other communication. Preliminary results from analyzing online requirements communication in IBM's Jazz project led to the identification of a set of six clarification patterns. Some of these patterns can be indicative of problematic requirements and thus useful to managers in diagnosing the health of the requirements development in their project.
  • SEGAL Members Involved
    Eric Knauss and Daniela Damian

Project Description

For ages, requirements engineering research focused on creating good documentation. This focus seems to contradict observations that can be made in everyday software projects:

  • Even perfect documentation needs to be read (and interpreted) by team members in order to establish a shared understanding of the requirements in the team, let alone the speed at which it gets obsolete.

  • Quite a few organizations do very well without comprehensive requirements documentation – especially in the field of agile software development.

  • Team members do in fact have extensive knowledge of the requirements and they often communicate it through informal or online discussions, as well as in project artifact repositories.

In this project we create an approach to analyzing online requirements communication over time. Automatic identification of communication events that focus on clarification allows us to visualize the trajectory of clarification, i.e. the amount of clarification events in relation to other communication. Preliminary results from analyzing online requirements communication in IBM’s Jazz project led to the identification of a set of six clarification patterns (see Figures above). Some of these patterns can be indicative of problematic requirements and thus useful to managers in diagnosing the health of the requirements development in their project.

A clarification trajectory visualizes the amount of clarification relative to other communication related to a specific (set of) requirement(s). The horizontal axis shows the time, while the vertical axis shows the amount and type of communication events.

Clarification events are shown in red below the timeline, other communication events are shown in blue above the timeline. A Gray line indicates the difference between other communication and clarification.

To help managers analyzing communication about requirements, we show stakeholders that participate in communication about a given requirement in a social network. Stakeholders are depicted as small pie charts that show the percentage of clarification in their communication  red. Two stakeholders are connected, when the communicate about the same requirement in the same time period.

  1. Eric Knauss, Daniela Damian. V:Issue:Lizer: Exploring Requirements Clarification in Online Communication Over Time. In Proceedings of 35th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE ’13), San Franzisko, USA, 2013. Formal Tool Demonstration.
  2. Eric Knauss, Daniela Damian, Germán Poo-Caamaño, and Jane Cleland-Huang. Detecting and classifying patterns of requirements clarifications. In Proceedings of 20th International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE ’12), pages 251-260, Chicago, USA, 2012.
  3. Eric Knauss and Daniela Damian. Patterns of Requirements related Communication. In Björn Regnell and Daniela Damian, editors, Proceedings of Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality (REFSQ’12), Empirical Fair, Essen, Germany, 2012. Poster.

Example: Clarification Trajectory

This Figure shows the course of discussion of a user story in IBM’s RTC project. The horizontal black line represents the timeline of the user story. Rounded rectangles represent discussion events (i.e. comments): red rectangles below the timeline represent requirement clarification events, blue rectangles above the timeline represent other discussion events.




The following video (2 min) gives a short motivation for this project. Read more…

The following video (5 min) demonstrates the V:Issue:lizer tool that we developed in the scope of this project. Read more…

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